One of the very best ways to clear clutter from your home is to have a yard sale. There is nothing like getting rid of things that you don’t need and earning some money! We have had a successful yard sale every year for at least the last 8 years in a row. Each year, […]
Label Your Leftovers
Do you ever lose track of leftovers in your fridge? For years, I’ve been keeping what’s left of our dinners in my favorite glass containers. And, by years, I mean almost 15. Yep, I’ve gotten my money’s worth with these, and then some! Besides stacking neatly in my cupboard and cleaning up quickly, I love […]
Playdoh Play Mat
Every kid loves Playdoh, right? Am I the only mom that sighs when the kids ask to play with it? Call me ornery, but I can’t stand picking Playdoh out of my carpets. I also hate stepping in finding bits and chunks under the table that nobody remembered to pick up. So, I only let […]
Easy Earring Organization
Ever since I was a little girl I have loved earrings. I remember getting my first “dangly” earrings and strutting with pride in front of my best friend whose earrings weren’t quite as dangly as mine. Over the years I have used different means of storing my earrings in an attempt to keep them tangle-free […]
Upcycled Army Green File Folders
Office supplies really have come a long way in the style department, haven’t they? It used to be that you could only get those horribly ugly army green hanging file folders to organize your paperwork. More recently, attractive patterns and colors have taken over in helping us bring style to our homes – even to […]