I have been blessed with an incredible friend. One who is faithful, trustworthy, always has an encouraging word to share, and a great listening ear. I am very thankful to God for bringing her into my life. Her kids and mine are best friends and we all enjoy being together. One thing we do […]
My Birthday, Jesus’ Birthday
I hope you have enjoyed the last 12 days of my series: “12 Days of Christmas {Planning}.” I appreciate all of you who have stopped by to check out my site, and I hope you found some things to be helpful in organizing your Christmas holiday! For the final post in this series, I would […]
Limiting TV Time with Tokens
Do your children love to watch endless hours of TV or have trouble turning off the video game? Does it drive you crazy having to say “no” for the thousandth time each day? Here is an idea for limiting your children’s television/computer/gaming time that has worked very well for my family. I have used this […]
Pass the Present ~ Birthday Party Game
One of my family’s favorite birthday party games is “Pass the Present”. I love it because children have a fun game to play, their friends get something to take home in addition to the usual goody bag, and it uses up all that extra wrapping paper that takes up space in my gift wrapping station! […]
Super Fun Bubble Painting Craft
Last week was my “whimisical” daughter’s birthday party. She loves anything creative, and doesn’t mind a mess at all. Oh my. We always love having a craft at our birthday parties because kids love to make things, and they are so excited to have something to take home in addition to the usual goodie bag. […]