When I was a kid we had the cutest little Tooth Fairy pillow. My brothers and I loved using that pillow! Whenever we lost a tooth, we would carefully tuck our little baby tooth in the pocket and hide it under our pillow in hopes that the Tooth Fairy would come and leave us some […]
Thank You Cards ~ Free Printables
One thing (among many) that I am trying to teach my children is how to show gratitude. I want them to truly express their thanks when they are given a gift. But…if your kids are anything like mine, getting them to sit down and write a thank you card is not an easy task! I […]
Limiting TV Time with Tokens
Do your children love to watch endless hours of TV or have trouble turning off the video game? Does it drive you crazy having to say “no” for the thousandth time each day? Here is an idea for limiting your children’s television/computer/gaming time that has worked very well for my family. I have used this […]